MR is a twenty-three-year-old youth consumer living with Schizophrenia. MR is one of five female siblings. Three of MR’s younger siblings are also living with schizophrenia. Although MR’s mother has some community supports in place, it has been especially challenging for MR to finish high school. MR stopped going to school due to intense mental health episodes and several hospitalizations. In recent years, MR shared with IL Specialist that she finally got the right medications at the right doses and has enrolled to complete her GED studies. MR was frustrated with using her cell phone because she and all of her siblings had to share one computer. IL Specialist reminded MR about SCIL’s computer loan program. MR was so happy that she screamed. IL Specialist provided MR with her very own laptop computer. Today, MR completed her GED studies and is now enrolled in Manatee Technical College.